+256 753 090032


The Film and video training institutions association (FVTIA) is an umbrella organization for  Institutions that offer educational services in film-making/ video/ multimedia production and as well as organizations providing mentor-ship  of aspiring filmmakers.  It was established in the year 2016 and registered as a Non- Governmental Organization in the year 2019 under the Uganda NGO board, on Registration No. 3057
The film and video training institutions association (FVTIA) was formed to improve the quality and the image of film training institutions in Uganda, and to strengthen Business, Technical, Vocational Education, Training BTVET sector as a whole and higher film education in universities. Its main aim is to foster collaboration between film training institutions and to improve, not just the standards of the film training provided, but also its relevance for the actual employment market. FVTIA is a national organization covering all districts of the country. This ensures that poorer and structurally weaker areas are not left out of the initiative.
There are a few  well equipped film training institutions in Uganda to train film-making as it is still at its early stage hence deserve increased attention to empower and develop  the current institutions in the film industry from the bedrock to secure the market  and quality of films produced  locally. The promotion of cultural  and Creative values, Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training and national council for higher education values is one of the major components of FVTIA’s tasks. The film training institutions are the roots or most important providers of film training skills if we are to develop and professionalize the film/ audio visual industry in Uganda.



FVTIA appreciates the current unfavorable environment under which the Film schools operate as characterized by poor funding, low level of film training, lack of unity among the film schools, lack of professionalism in the film training and production, unfriendly policies and lack of a well-developed curriculum for proper film training and production, which has negatively impacted on the film industry in Uganda. Therefore, FVTIA focuses on networking with Government and its departments to advocate for the formulation of good policies in attempt to streamline the operations of the member film schools for the development of film training and production in Uganda.

Capacity Building

FVTIA undertakes capacity building programs focusing on strengthening the local member film schools’ professional skills, and equipping them with necessary information and technical support to enable them compete effectively in the film industry.


FVTIA as a corporate body created by the film schools in Uganda, focuses on developing and promoting the equitable growth of the film industry through making partnerships and networks with relevant stakeholders  in the Film industry (both local and international). FVTIA serves as a fundraising platform for all member film schools.

Students Film Resource Center

The Students’ Film Resource Center is one of the major undertakings of FVTIA in an attempt to boost and develop the Film training and production in Uganda. The facility is the first of its kind in Uganda, and will be designed with an on-line film library, film museum, conference room, cinema room, VFX studio, editing suite, sound studio, broadcasting studio, filming studio, and equipment store among others. Besides, the facility will be stocked with the state of art filmmaking equipment to facilitate film training, research, and production.